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Trabajos de Titulación - Carrera de Licenciatura en Lengua Inglesa : [87] Página de inicio de la colección

Trabajos de Titulación de la Carrera de Licenciatura en Lengua Inglesa

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 61 a 80 de 87
Fecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)
18-sep-2015Music in USA.Calero Andrade, Cristhian Alfredo
2016Model of Graduate Profile for Translators Aiming to Work in the Video Game Translation Industry.Rivadeneira Enríquez, Sara Inés; Chang, Yu Cheng
2016EFL Adapted Curriculum and Strategies in Science for the 2nd Elementary Student with Mental Retardation.Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Espino Rivadeneira, Joselyn Nichole
2016Implementation of Communicative Activities to Improve Twelfth Grade students’ English Speaking Skill at Santo Domingo de Guzman High School.Del Pozo Díaz, Natasha Cecibel; Ronquillo Chanalata, Leidys Fabiola
2016Annotated Translation of the Book De una isla y otros seres fantásticos by Ana Catalina Burbano.Rivadeneira Enríquez, Sara Inés; Medina Castro, Gustavo José
2016Poor writing skills in 1st and 2nd baccalaureate of María Auxiliadora High School and the e-portfolio to improve writing skills.Vásquez Barros, Mariela Fátima; Andrade Ramos, Jorge Luis
2016Study of the Translation of Ecuadorian Idioms and their Equivalence Beyond Word Level.De Abreu Ferreira, José Antonio; Yela Gudiño, Daniela Eliud
2016Homework as an Academic Supplement for EFL Younger Learners (9-11 years old) Applied in Unidad Educativa Particular Universidad Católica.Jiménez Bilmonte, Alfredo Enrique; Moreno Plúa, Mayra Lucía
2016Comparative Analysis of the book “El amor en los tiempos del cólera” by Gabriel García Márquez and its English translation “Love in the time of cholera” based on the Polysystem Theory.Ordóñez León, Fátima Lorena; Cabrera Jiménez, Claudia Lissette
2016Analysis of the books “White Fang” and “Colmillo Blanco” in an attempt to determine how Motion Verbs differ in English and Spanish based on Leonard Talmy’s approach to Cognitive Analysis of Motion Verbs.Korobitsyna, Natalia; Vélez Vera, Jimmy Andrés
2016Addressing Anti-Motivation Issues in a Fifth Basic EFL Educational Learning Environment at Unidad Educativa Politécnico.Bermudes Rugel, Luis Humberto; Lemos Toalongo, Anggie Lilibeth
2016Contribution to the development of Ecuador’s Audiovisual Translation Industry through an analysis of Subtitling Standards based on the translation of a movie script abstract of “The Great Gatsby".Korobitsyna, Natalia; Ramírez Guzmán, Claudia Milena
2016Glossary of Proposed Spanish Translation of Idiomatic Expressions Found in the English Novel Paper Towns by John Green.De Abreu Ferreira, José Antonio; Rodríguez Cercado, Alexandra Nathalia
2016Annotated Translation of the book "La Emancipada" by Miguel Riofrío.Ordóñez León, Fátima Lorena; Coronel Papa, Cristina Elizabeth
2015Annotated translation of the book Taylor de los lobos.Kuhlmey Sonja, Andrea
2015Annotated translation of the Aero Club del Ecuador website as a contribution to the internationalization of the Ecuadorian Aviation Field.Alchundia Castro, Pedro Manuel
2015Vocabulary acquisition through word Association as a tool to enrich translator's lexical repertoire.Arce Ardila, Bolívar Andrés
2015Annotated translation of eterna PE1620SA-Extra manual for PROCARSA.Clark Arboleda, Kennie Gabriel
2015English annoted translation of tourist advertising material as a contribution to the town hall of Santa Rosa-Provincia de El Oro.Vilela Pacheco, Denisse Andrea
2014Influence of the development of learning objectives and performance indicators in the competence of the students of 8th year EGB C of Unidad Educativa Pasionista in the first five- months term in the school year 2013-2014. Design of an evaluation instrument to asses learning outcomes of 8th year EGB.Valencia Robles, Jeannette De Fátima
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 61 a 80 de 87