Factores predisponentes al fracaso de las restauraciones clase II.
Objective: To determine the factors that predispose to the failure of Class II restorations in patients
treated at the dental clinic of the UCSG during the B – 2024 semester. Materials and methods: This
was a cross-sectional, observational – descriptive study with...
Impacto psicosocial de la estética dental en pacientes de la clínica odontológica UCSG B-2024 según cuestionario PIDAQ.
INTRODUCTION: Dental aesthetics significantly influence the psychosocial
impact of oral health, affecting self-esteem, social interaction, and quality of
life. It is linked to personality traits, cultural and socioeconomic factors such as
educational level, monthly income, and den...
Impacto del efecto analgésico en pacientes postoperatorio del tercer molar inferior en clínica integral.
Introduction: The surgical extraction of the impacted lower third molars is an
invasive procedure associated with adverse effects such as pain, swelling, and
trismus. Effective management of postoperative pain remains a constant
challenge for professionals. Currently, there i...
Efecto del pulido y cambio de color de las resinas compuestas expuestas a tinción de café.
Introduction: Nowadays, composite resins are materials that are widely
used in our dental practice, with the aim of achieving greater aesthetics,
thus improving the patient's quality of life. Objectives: To determine
whether polishing acts as a protective barrier aga...
Análisis comparativo de la efectividad de diferentes técnicas de irrigación en modelo 3D de istmos radiculares.
Introduction: The isthmus is a narrow canal that connects two root canals and
can accumulate pulp remnants, dead tissue, and microorganisms, increasing
the risk of reinfection. Despite advancements in irrigation and disinfection
techniques, areas such as the isthmus and&...
Factores de riesgos asociados a la mala posición de los caninos.
Introduction: Canines play a fundamental role in the aesthetics and function
of patients. They are crucial for biting and tearing food, as well as for directing
the mandible towards the proper orientation. Objective: To determine the risk
factors associated with...
Relación entre el nivel de motricidad fina y remoción de placa bacteriana a través de cepillado dental en niños.
Introduction: The study seeks to determine the relationship between the level of fine motor skills and
the removal of bacterial plaque in children aged 5 to 7 years, using the Fones brushing technique.
Additionally, the impact of parental support on the oral hygi...
Perfil epidemiológico odontológico y factores asociados en la adolescencia temprana en escolares del cantón La Troncal.
Introduction: Caries, periodontal disease, and malocclusions are often associated with low sociodemographic status, gender, education level, etc. These are key determinants of oral health outcomes. The incidence of children with low sociodemographic status and those lacking family support face difficu...
Diseño del podcast “Más allá de las pasarelas” como herramienta para promover conocimientos sobre la industria del modelaje.
The modeling industry has historically been linked to conventional beauty standards and stereotypical perceptions about models. With the creation of the podcast “Más allá de las pasarelas” we seek to demystify these beliefs; through studies, interviews and anecdotes, we show what is beh...
Barcelona SC como un fenómeno social : la pasión colectiva del futbol como expresión de las emociones y la identidad social en Ecuador. Caso de estudio : barra “Sur Oscura”.
Football, from all times, goes beyond being a sport; it constitutes a cultural and social phenomenon deeply rooted in the identity of fans, especially in Latin America. The present study aimed to analyze the impact of Barcelona Sporting Club as a social phenomenon in the ...
¿Qué son las funas y qué hago para evitarlas? : diseño de Pedrolo, canal de contenido en youtube para abordar la cultura de la cancelación.
The problem with this research is the lack of knowledge that companies, people and public figures have about the power that audiences have today since they can cause economic and psychological havoc for which they are not prepared, all this through the culture of cancellation&...
Diseño de un plan estratégico de comunicación digital para el restaurante “Picantería Cordero”.
In Guayaquil, Picantería Cordero challenges itself with its digital communication that restricts the restaurant's position in the gastronomy market, as well as customer retention. While their encebollado is famous, it unfortunately lacks the right digital approaches to strengthen customer relation...
Agenda setting y representación mediática : reportaje audiovisual sobre el fútbol 5, caso acacig.
The purpose of this professional application project is to create an audiovisual journalistic report that delves into the problems of media coverage of 5-a-side football for the blind in Ecuador. Due to the lack of coverage that this adapted sport has in the media and how...
Estrategias efectivas de storytelling en tiktok para el aumento del engagement : diseño de un canal de contenido a partir de análisis de casos.
This professional application project analyzes cases of virality among certain content creators who have an already established storytelling approach. The need to understand and explain these techniques arises from the large number of people consuming TikTok, which serves as the perfect...
Elaboración del episodio “Heridas invisibles : violencia de género contra las mujeres” para el podcast sigo en pie.
This professional application project develops a special episode for the podcast Sigo en Pie, aiming to raise awareness about gender-based violence in Guayaquil. Despite public policies and campaigns, violence continues to affect many women. The lack of access to support resources and t...
Repositorios Digitales del Ecuador
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