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Title: Christopher : Limitado en su deseo por el Otro.
Authors: Carvajal Toledo, Ana Gabriel
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Castro Anchundia, Patricia Alexandra
Issue Date: 17-Feb-2022
Publisher: Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil
Abstract: In the present case analysis, entitled: Cristopher: limited in his desire for the Other, the life of the patient and his possible structural diagnosis will be exposed, the patient comes from a well-known family, his father was a renowned engineer, he was a friend of ministers and they held his opinions in high esteem, he had two brothers who were excellent students unlike him, however he was closer to his parents from a very young age, he traveled all over the world with his parents remembering these moments as idyllic. Christopher's mother from an early age took care of her mother and financially so that she never lacked for anything, she always tried to be a good mother, daughter and wife. It happens that, after the death of these loved ones, Christopher decides to go to analysis, specifically 5 years after the death of his mother, by then, he was already quite old, and was a counselor of a government entity where he was not performing enough and felt incapable. The impossibility of communicating adequately with his loved ones, wife, children and friends was becoming more and more noticeable, leading him to deep sadness and constant recrimination of his person, he felt that he did not perform sufficiently by not being able to meet the demands of good performance that had internalized, causing him a claustrophilia that had him quite immobilized. Resulting in a possible obsessive neurosis due to his recurrent thoughts of wanting to give his best, and be the best for the Other.
Description: En el presente análisis de caso, titulado: Cristopher: limitado en su deseo por el Otro, se expondrá la vida del paciente y su posible diagnóstico estructural, el paciente viene una familia muy conocida, su padre fue un reconocido ingeniero, era amigo de ministros y tenían sus opiniones en alta estima, tenía dos hermanos que eran excelentes estudiantes a diferencia de él, sin embargo era él más pegado a sus padres desde muy pequeño, viajaba por todo el mundo con sus padres recordando estos momentos como idílicos. La mamá de Christopher desde temprana edad se hizo cargo de su madre y económicamente para que nunca le faltara nada, siempre trató de ser buena madre, hija y esposa. Sucede que, tras la muerte de estos seres queridos, Christopher decide ir a análisis, específicamente 5 años después de la muerte de su madre, para ese entonces, ya era bastante mayor, y era consejero de una entidad del gobierno en donde no estaba rindiendo lo suficiente y se sentía incapaz. Cada vez era más notoria la imposibilidad de comunicarse adecuadamente con sus seres queridos, esposa, hijos y amigos, llevándolo a una profunda tristeza y recriminación constante de su persona, sentía que no rendía lo suficiente al no poder cumplir con las demandas de buen desempeño que había internalizado, provocándole una claustrofilia que lo tenía bastante inmovilizado. Dando como resultado una posible neurosis obsesiva por sus pensamientos recurrentes de querer dar lo mejor, y ser el mejor para el Otro.
URI: http://repositorio.ucsg.edu.ec/handle/3317/18209
Appears in Collections:Trabajos de Titulación - Carrera de Psicología Clínica

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